If you need to choose a great brand name for your product, service or business, start by considering the importance of the name in any branding activities. Your name is an extension of your corporate identity and it can either promote the value you offer, or distance you from it. You have a number of options when developing a name for a product, service or business:
- To use the name of the founder or inventor (Sabancı and Koc holding companies)
- To reveal what you are doing (Turkish Airlines)
- To describe an experience or visual (Oren Bayan knitting yarns)
- To take a word out of its ordinary context (Apple)
- To create word new (Google, Yanii)
Finding a Brand Name
It is important for you to decide what your name will mean and represent. Just to clarify, if you need to name your product, service or business and choose three companies to receive offers for this project, what kind of companies would you contact? Would you prefer companies with unique names, companies with average names, or no-name companies? Which one do you think would make a great brand name for your company? This example clearly reveals that you have a chance to make a favourable first impression. Most of your potential customers may know almost nothing about your company, product or service, and a great name can make a great first impression to open the door, while a bad name may keep it tightly closed.
Think carefully on your internet marketing goals as well, as you will most probably need a URL. There are more than 860 million domain names registered worldwide, and some experts believe that more than 99.9% of the dictionary is already registered as domain names. A bad name can make your efforts in establishing a position in the market ineffective, or even create a negative perception.
You may have difficulties arousing interest in your company, product or service, which in turn would require you to spend more time and money introducing your value to the market.
Creating a Slogan in Harmony with the Brand
A slogan is, in general, a short statement that captures a brand’s core values, character, and position. A few words in such a short statement can make lots of troubles, since finding a proper brand slogan is not an easy task. It would be wise to distinguish slogans as brand slogans and advertisement slogans, the differences between which are explained below:
Brand Slogan
- The slogan is related to the business itself and it should stand the test of time (permanent).
- Short descriptions should represent the tone and emotions you want to highlight for your products or services.
- It is usually a part of your corporate graphics and stays with you at all times.
Advertisement Slogans
- They are intended to be less durable and more flexible.
- They are usually used in advertising campaigns (evolution over time).
- They are usually used only for a specific product or a campaign.
Brand Story
Communication and interaction with customers have always played an important role in the success of a brand. People like to feel that companies treat them on an individualised basis, try to meet their needs, and pay special attention to their questions.
Companies that have managed to establish close relationships with their customers are seen to have gained loyalty and reputation by creating a special place in the market for their brands. Today, failing to connect with customers can cost a business its reputation and market share.
You have certainly heard of the importance of content marketing in business planning. Nowadays, content is not just important, but it is very important in increasing sales! Businesses today succeed only when they can differentiate themselves from their competitors by creating their own striking stories and images.
Content marketing is not just about short blog posts that companies publish to increase website traffic. It is a much more complex and sophisticated concept encompassing various aspects from email marketing to image designing. While it may seem that there is nothing new about marketing, content marketing lives and evolves, bringing new ideas that trigger customers’ buying behaviours and promote transformations.
Brand storytelling is a new trend that is enthusiastically adopted by marketers around the world. It has nothing to do with writing a story about how the company survives to make money by providing people with the goods they need. It is about capturing people’s attention and building personal bonds with everyone in the target audience.
What Is a Brand Story?
If you know nothing about company branding through storytelling, or if you think writing your company’s history is enough to gain a place in the hearts and minds of your customers, you need to reconsider your content strategy.
You can talk about your company’s history as part of a brand story. However, a successful brand story will be much more than the historical facts about the establishment and operation of the company.
A successful brand story should cover both the facts and emotions you want to be associated with your company. It should evoke an emotional response in your customers. It should refer to the past from the point of your business goals, objectives, and motives.
In fact, storytelling is an innovative way of advertising you can actually do without defining your brand and instead emphasize customer experience, comfort, and shared values and principles.
Your brand story is much more than just a text. The message you send to people, if written properly, will become a word of mouth. Even those who are not your customers yet will learn about your company through the positive experiences of real customers.
Who Are the Writers of Your Brand Story?
It is wrong to assume that your brand story is written after a narrative is created. Storytelling exists in the public domain, so the rest of your brand story is what your customers “write” about it: their feelings and experiences, social media discussions, and more.
Have you ever wondered why brands are so interested in getting their customers’ comments and feedback? They are not just seeking confirmation about the quality of the products or services they offer. They also seek opportunities to strengthen their brand stories by inciting debates and ensuring the spread of the narrative.
In a world where there is only one-way information flow from company to consumers, changing the direction of flow is a revolution. Ten years ago, people tended to saw businesses as something intangible. They considered them as machines offering products in exchange for money. However, customers know the value of brands today. They know that companies compete for every single customer, based on the fact that their strength is actually their word.
If you want to create your Brand Name and Brand Story with us in the light of these details and principles, please do not hesitate to contact us right now.